
Returns & Refund Policy


Our Cancellation Policy:

  1. Once an order is placed with us, it will be processed and shipped by our warehouse immediately and therefore cannot be cancelled.
  2. If you have signed up for a recurring Refill Plan, you can edit or cancel any recurring plans or upcoming orders at any time, up until 23:59 GMT/BST the day before your upcoming order is due to be processed. After this point, we are unable to process a cancellation on that order, even if you cancel your Refill Plans for the products within that order. You can log in to your account at any time, to check the date of your next order. To ensure you receive any emails relating to your orders, please check your spam folder and mark our email address as a safe sender.

Our Returns & Refund Policy

  1. If this is your first time shopping with us and you’ve had a change of heart, please get in touch with our customer success team at within 28 days of placing an order. If the products inside your box are unopened and unused, we’ll ask you to return them to us, at your expense. As soon as we’ve received them we can process your refund. Due to hygiene reasons, opened products are non-refundable.
  2. If your item arrives in a faulty condition, we will get it replaced or refunded ASAP. To arrange this, please get in touch with us at within 14 days of receiving your order. To help us resolve the issue, please share your order number, a description of the fault, and a photo/video. Please don’t return faulty items before getting in touch with us!
  3. Unless defective, we’re unable to offer returns or refunds on ongoing refills. We care deeply about the planet and would encourage you to pass any unwanted refills to a friend!


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